Author: haphapner


Can I shine a light Even though I am white? When a black boy takes flight Do I lynch him with my might? # No, my lynching is an act of silence My privilege generates colonial violence # Violation at 1 AM That car’s too nice for him Pulled over, searched, it’s a sin Humiliated […]

The Devil & The Demons

Author’s note: This story was completed during 2019 – pre-covid and pre-Jan-6. A flag lifted lazy in the breeze, revealing a solid white background adorned with a large black X stretching from corner to corner, an exact replica of the Confederate Battle Flag – a black and white symbol of hate. With a deafening roar […]

The Madonna of Allentown

It happened again at Big Len’s place in Allentown, Pennsylvania. A steady flow of true humanity came through there every day. Big Len’s specialized in cold beer to go and weekly room rentals, an odd mix but it had been around for years. I had just returned from buying a carton of cheap cigarettes. It […]


“She falls apart” her mother declared. “A strong name for a woman who shall move away. Her lover takes her out of the pow wow, Yet she perseveres,” the prophetic voice trails away. # No matter the distance traveled, far or near, Nazuzuwin’s wholeness comes through the gather-round. Her ancestors dwell with her mother there, […]

Mother Dwelling

No dwelling is permanent Nor should it be so. The World Trade tipi Did let us know. Lodge poles come unbound Skins and canvas rolled around. # Elegant monuments inferior, Sun, wind and wave assault, Breaking up our ideals, The Spirit weeps at the tumult, Fine dust blows in a cloud Coating the lungs like […]

The Nomad

Broken, during my first decade I’ve always been broken, really Shattered vestiges of mind and emotion Twisted, wrecked ideals of heroism Torn, the gauze of core beliefs # Lost and losing, my third decade I’ve always been losing and lost, Wandering the unexplored and uncharted The path of the less chosen pursued at cost Cain […]


I cannot see Yemen, Calcutta, or Darfur; do these exist? Drones and cholera freely devour; famine and Death are loose in the world. What four are these? Why does no one care to act on behalf of the trodden masses? Am I delighted to see God’s Will decimate humanity and the planet? Who will go […]

A Prat-fall

[Heavenly Marketing Department] Ides of March, One Year Before the Christian Era Archangel: You’ve got to change your image. Everyone thinks you’re a mischievous trickster or an angry jealous beast. You’re down 60 points in the polls. Yahweh: Let’s bring in another world empire to oppress the Jews. I’ll step in, save them, and bingo, […]

The Problem of Consciousness

Everything we perceive is filtered through the grid of our worldview. From the moment our consciousness awakens, our worldview is built, brick-upon-brick through every activity and interaction that we experience. How we receive and manage those experiences is key. Do I take in and reorganize? or Do I take in and reinforce? Am I a […]


We approach life in some fearless way. But it’s a lie, we tell ourselves. Our hearts are full of fear, worry. Laying bare our souls, what do we see? A vulnerable child, lost and looking for a parent. # Alone we enter with tears and crying. Alone we leave without a scrap. In between we […]