Author: haphapner


Science cannot define truth. Neither can you; nor does it belong to me. What if we disagree? Can it not remain a mystery? # Morality dwells within. Laws do not mandate; dogma cannot make it. It’s not absolute, Beyond ability to refute. # Life’s enigma – fate and fiat. A destructive, hateful place of absolutes, […]

Why I Write

In The Nuptials, Camus wrote of a consciousness reveling in the world, a body delighting in nature, and the individual’s immersion in sheer physicality. Years before, Whitman wrote of the same sensuality, joy, and awareness of our place in this world. These two giants married literary and philosophical thought like few had. I have no […]


I slept safe last night I ate a meal today My life was not a fight I didn’t need to runaway # The sidewalk became my bed Hunger found me longing Fate shook me in the head Now only on the streets belonging # Fear grips us all in the dark Our abusers at our […]

Why I Write

I write to bring others peacefulness and joy, to stand them on a prairie hillcrest watching wind ripple ripening wheatfields as far as the eye can see, like an ocean, wave after wave of golden grain, its bronzed hues dancing and playing in the sunlight swaying, first this way, then that, without reason other than […]

Camilla, The Warrior

Fierce gentleness swept past me one winter day, Beautiful, true, yet her nobility unfathomed. That goddess brushed past in a warrior way, Her coiffed wildness had quelled many a wasteland. # I pursued her down the path to a clearing Ignoring her bow and quiver, toward her horse, “Would you dine with me?” my voice […]

Justice & Equality

The patriarchy has forced all women To forget their true nature and mother – The Amazons of Diana who is Tiamat! # Shake off your slumber ladies and prepare for battle! # Too much is known of time and space, To leave the patriarchy in place!


Where is our tether? What binds these avatars to all that is? Rootless, what do we do for this world? What value from our injection here? # Water binds fish to streams & seas. Does the air bind me? Capillaries & chlorophyll tie leaves to trees. Am I connected, am I free? # Avatars be […]


I recently updated a poem originally written in 2009. I wrote it in fifteen minutes sitting in a conference room while waiting for a job interview. It now aligns with my physicalist/absurdist belief. We only control ourselves. This is all there is. Live now while you may, not like a rehearsal for paradise. This is […]


This story was originally published in White Enso Volume 7 Ghostwater had crept up from the river during the night packing itself thick between every rock and tree. Screams, my sister’s, had roused me from a fitful sleep, setting me to wander, torch in hand through the moonless night. The ghostwater mocked the light – […]

On Faeries & Magic

faery warriors slain, faery queens drained of life cannot save. outlandish though it seem, it was all but a dream. live i must for when it’s done – it’s done. # i will not lie down with brutish stone whispering in ominous tones yet incapable of tearing away the creeping vine that seeks to render […]