Author: haphapner

Advice from My Father

Be honest. Do what you believe to be right. Don’t worry about what others think. – Lowell “Dixie” Hapner [He actually would say “Don’t care what other people think.” But don’t worry probably conveys his intention better … or not. He could be pretty crass.]

On the Past

do not focus on the dead. you cannot fix your relationship with the dead. you cannot change the past, only avoid repeating the same mistakes. the dead are gone; cherish their memory; honor their existence. live w/o regret, paralysis, or binding-resentment. live free. when you fail, get up. shake the dust from yourself & do […]

How I Live

do the next right thing | don’t worry about what others think – Hap if you screw up, do the next right thing. [and you will screw up] you determine what your right thing is … no one else.

On Life

apart from self-expression, this existence is all meaningless. we evolved. there is no grand plan, no hidden purpose or secret. this is it. we get these few moments on the stage, no rehearsal, no second act. that is why I encourage everyone to express their true selves. – Hap

Visión Fantasmal

Cowering, humans flee. Rape and murder, enlightened terrors Plough through mortal roads and valleys. Farmhouse walls and hovel stalls tremble. Napoléon’s caissons roll by Goya’s anxious heart dissembles. # The twin horrors enraged Abandoned by raison, the monsters Monarchy, Papacy, uncaged. Outside his pastoral window frames Life evolves, spawning dark monsters, Hollow, vile and evil […]


On an evolutionary scale and scheme, an individual life is utterly meaningless – devoid of meaning. No human – not Einstein nor Mandela – matters or has an impact on an evolutionary scale. Humans are magnificent animals. That is all. To seek meaning and purpose, to seek significance beyond living … these efforts create anguish, […]