Author: haphapner

Ode to a Goddess

Rhodopis, plied that ancient trade, Among the elite in the city of sailors she gave. A rosy-cheeked beauty, the spirit and image of Nefertiti did bathe. # An eagle snatched Rhodopis’ sandal, flew far away, To Pharoah’s throne in the beautiful and enduring town. Spying the King, that bird flung the sandal into his royal […]


Remember when we talked?Our words meaningful or not,Drew us closer, whether cold or hot. Remember when we walked?Our feet carried us along,Whether alone or part of the throng. Remember hence we came.Lean in on how we are the same. Lest we do it all again.

The Talisman

People had all kinds of theories about Stu. Off-kilter hitman, disgraced spy, lazy drifter were just a few of the less flattering ideas. Trust-fund-flunky, globe-trotting adventurer, or adrenaline junky were the interpretations that he liked to foster. He tossed his knife deftly from one hand to the other, blade flashing as it rolled through the […]

The Dance

Shapes, sizes, Bald-heads, bandanas, Amazing, wonderful. Healthy and ill Mingling alike Fluid, flowing. Living, dying Nestled in absurdity. Friends afar yet near Kindred hearts Watch TV Surrounded by cruelty. Silent screams Criss cross the globe. Older, wiser, weaker Yet no smarter are we. Parts missing, destroyed, Living in the moments that we get. Cancerous, healthy, […]

The Actuary

Monotony. Beige and bland. Grab the keys, knife, and lighter – each goes in its predestined pocket. Back out the driveway. Two stop signs, turn right. Cross the greenway. Pass three streets on the left. Round a bend. Another light, red, always red. My grandson’s school is to the right. Watch for kids. Green arrow. […]

Degrowth and Democracy

Modern democratic elections appeal to the mob through glamour and outrage. They monstrously personify the worst of humanity through an uneven selection processes. From time immemorial leadership has been determined through appeal and trade, be it in goats or grain, salt or shekels. He with the most power and appeal has always ruled. HE has […]