
Can I shine a light

Even though I am white?

When a black boy takes flight

Do I lynch him with my might?


No, my lynching is an act of silence

My privilege generates colonial violence


Violation at 1 AM

That car’s too nice for him

Pulled over, searched, it’s a sin

Humiliated for the color of his skin


While my privilege knows no bounds

His life’s a tragedy being unwound


Too long he’s lingered in that aisle

Convicted in advance without a trial

I silence his voice, but I’m a negrophile

I foster his inequality with a smile


My word to him, you choose life on the margin

Segregated from normal, chagrined


Enough! I must act; make recompense

Your vulnerability is no pretense

Your trauma quite real and intense

Ouroboros-like unending, immense


I must treat your post-traumatic stress

By giving you the opportunity for true redress




Written in memory of Ahmaud Arbery, an unarmed black man killed by two white men and filmed by a third in Georgia USA