
Where is our tether?

What binds these avatars to all that is?

Rootless, what do we do for this world?

What value from our injection here?


Water binds fish to streams & seas.

Does the air bind me?

Capillaries & chlorophyll tie leaves to trees.

Am I connected, am I free?


Avatars be damned.

Stop living in make believe.

I breath. I love. I touch. I see.

Flesh and blood I am.


Reality is here & now.

Don’t buy the gawds or astrology.

Leave the magic, the superstition.

Truth is simple, yet hard to believe.


Like souls, avatars be.

Useless misrepresentations

of you and of me.

We inject mystery, exaggerations.


Evolved predators all homo sapiens,

Without souls but huge imaginations,

Kill and eat in complete admission.

Delible lives without submission.


I am who I am. I leave what I leave.

I cannot live another way.

I die and will not live another day.

There is no magic, no mystery.


Experience life’s pleasure and pain,

Its heartache and amazement.

Glean what you can along the way.

Leave this place better than you found it.